Dynamik der Fluide

Evaporating porous sphere with dodecane flame in the wake

After my retirement in 2000, I was kindly asked by my colleague,
Prof. C. Tropea,
to join his group and continue my research work at the
Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics (SLA)
in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering of the TUD.

I followed this invitation with great pleasure up to the end of 2008.

Institut für Strömungslehre und Aerodynamik

Head: Prof. C. Tropea


Now at the beginning of 2010, I decided that it's time to stop playing the role of a supervisor for Ph.D. students.

I concentrate now (2010) on problems which are not depending on my presence at the TUD.

My most favourite hobbies are foreign languages like: Greek, Latin, Russian, French, Hebrew.

Besides that I am devoted to some mathematical problems in Fluid Mechanics,

closely connected with Görtler vortices in the boundary layer of an oscillating wall.

Vortical motion in a cylinder with rotating lid
(Visualization technique: Photochromic coloring)

Pattern formation in the boundary layer of an oscillating flat cylinder

(At the beginning of the oscillation a circular region around the axis was colored

by photochromic coloring with UV-light)

Falling burning drop of polyethylene
(Photo taken by HCC1000 Camera, 1000 f.p.s.)

Evolution of the flow in the cylindrical gap
(Basic Couette-flow)

Taylor vortices in statu nascendi

(Jet formation after onset of rotation of the inner cylinder)

Taylor-Görtler vortices
(Flow pattern after the first exchange of stability)

Wavy form of the Taylor-Görtler vortices
(Flow pattern after second bifurcation)

Structure of the bark of a palm tree
Why does nature create nearly the same shape of the bark as wavy Taylor vortices?


Here are some nice animations in quicktime-format

Last changes: 08.10.2010